Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Singled Out!

All I have to say is FHE is a ton of fun. This weeks FHE was an interesting one to say the least. Once a month (i think) we have a stake combined FHE and apparently they plan some rather interesting things for those particular get togethers. They didn't divulge too many details at church on Sunday from what I hear so not many really knew what to expect except the fact that dessert was involved. You walk in the door (mind you only one door in the church would open for this because they wanted to make sure everyone got to participate in the activities) and you got to put your name on a nice big name tag and after that another name tag was slapped on your back and you have no idea what is written on it. For all you know you could have a "kick me" sign on your back at that moment. Then the rules of the game are presented to you. Figure out what is on the tag they just slapped on your back by asking other people 'yes' or 'no' questions and once you figure that out go around looking at all the backs of the person of the opposite sex to find your opposite. So if you had 'wet' you had to find 'dry'. Only once you have found your mate can you go and make your dessert of a hot brownie and ice cream with all the toppings you can imagine. What a pain to find your mate! It took a while to figure out what you were. My friends and I opted for the yes or no to letters of the alphabet to spell out our words. Fortunate for me my word (low.... yes I had to find a guy who was high in the church... how hard is that!) was very short.
After that little activity it was time for the 'game show'. Now the raffle tickets they handed us at the door came into play. Welcome to the game of "Singled Out!". Oh joy! Guys up first to get a date with one of the many single girls in the crowd! the guy whos ticket was called got to go up on the stage and not face the crowd of girls standing behind him and he had to narrow down his search for a date. They had categories on the screen to help with the task. One such category was called "ding dong" Yes this is in reference to the doorstep because the options under it were 'Russian' Lips or Patience Peacock. Take a guess on what that meant. After checking if President Plum was not present the option was voiced and all those who didn't match the choice of the guy had to sit down. After the categories had narrowed the crowd to about half a dozen girls then those girls left up would go up to the front for the final race to get a date.... We had to answer worse case scenario questions and match what the guy said (ie: would you rather have hundreds of tiny teeth in your mouth or just one big tooth?) Correct answers moved you forward a space. There was a lot of excitement with this game. Oh the anticipation for getting a free date that the singles stake paid for! Who could ask for more?! And guess what.... I won a date! Yup...it's the only way i can get a date with a nice lds guy is to play a game at FHE. They paid for us to eat at the Cheesecake Factory. Yum!

Update: The date went okay. Very nice guy. He will make a good friend....not a boyfriend for all those who think I need a boyfriend he isn't the one. The food was good and so was the conversation. Yippie for me winning a date!


Lisa said...

Don't forget he's not a doctor either... and you need to be aiming for that doctor

dlkenney said...

sounds like a fun activity... at least you were able to gain another friend out of the whole experience.

Brat said...

That sounded like a fun night. I miss those singles activities.
Glad you won a free dinner.