Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas at the Salt Lake Temple

Lisa and I decided to pay a visit to Temple Square and take in the beautiful lights before I left for Oregon. We headed out of the apartment around 6pm to catch the train up there. May I just say there are the strangest people in the world that ride on Trax. We were sitting there being good girls and doing our people watching, mostly being irritated by a small group of teenagers that most would consider loud and would be willing to kick them a little. It was interesting to take in their lifestyle from more adult eyes....and then the laugh happened. Oh my goodness!!!! this girl had the most interesting laugh in the world. At first we coudln't place what it sounded like....after a few moments of laughing at the strange sounding laugh.... it hit us! She sounded like a Dodo Bird when she laughed. You wouldn't believe it....even we couldn't believe it was possible to laugh in such a manner. (Don't ask us to mimic it because we have tried with no success) LOL.

Now onto the temple......I will say it was as beautiful as ever. It was like a trip around the world for a small part of it. They had a few international manger scenes that we of course took pictures of. There were also little lights in the bags along the pathway. Each one said Merry Christmas in a different language. My favorite part was the floating manger scene on the Reflection Pond. It was a beautiful white statue and the pond had many floating candles surrounding it. If you get a chance this season everyone should go up there and see it.

1 comment:

dlkenney said...

I really wanted to go to the temple this year, because it has been a few year since we have gone to see the lights. The season just went by too fast, hopefully next year.