Tuesday, December 30, 2008
My First Christmas in Heaven
I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear, but the sounds of music can’t compare with the Christmas choir up here. I have no words to tell you, the joy the voices bring, for it is beyond description, to hear the angels sing.
I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heard, but I am not so far away, we really aren’t apart. So be happy for me dear ones, you know I hold you dear, and be glad I’m spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I send you each a special gift from my heavenly home above. I send you each a memory of my undying love. After all, “LOVE” is a gift more precious than pure gold, it was always most important in the stories Jesus told.
Please love and keep each other, as my Father said to do, for I can’t count the blessings of love He has for each of you. So have a Merry Christmas and whip away that tear. Remember, I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
This poem was sent to my family in a christmas card this year from a good friend of the family. It's perfect for Jessie
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas at the Salt Lake Temple
Now onto the temple......I will say it was as beautiful as ever. It was like a trip around the world for a small part of it. They had a few international manger scenes that we of course took pictures of. There were also little lights in the bags along the pathway. Each one said Merry Christmas in a different language. My favorite part was the floating manger scene on the Reflection Pond. It was a beautiful white statue and the pond had many floating candles surrounding it. If you get a chance this season everyone should go up there and see it.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
A Hermiston Halloween
Monday, December 15, 2008
Year Recap of Fun
Augustana, HelloGoodbye, and Shiny Toy Guns
Grizzlies Games
Blaze Games
Reincarnation of Peeve (our pet fish)
Menopause the Musical
Cheap Trick, Heart and Journey
The Cab, Dashboard Confessional, Plain White T's and Panic at the Disco
New Kids on the Block w/ Lady Gaga and Natasha Beddingfield
Carrie Underwood w/ Little Big Town
Movies Galore!
I'd say it's a pretty good year for little activities.
What can I say except girls just wanna have fun!
As for the stuff I did with persons other than Lisa....
Auto Show with Rick
Monster Truck Show with Kim
Hike to Timpanogos Cave with M&M and Anessa
Oregon Coast Cline Family Vacation! I love the coast...and I really love Silver Falls.
(pictures to come)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Fashion Place Christmas Party
Saturday was my company Christmas party. It turns out it is in my job description as the SSA of the branch to plan the party. What kind of party do you do for a bunch of bankers you ask... well you do the kind I did of course. It was quite the success. We had 33 people show up for the little gathering at Von's house this year. That's a ton better than last year when we had just over a dozen.
As per expected, the girls of the office stuck together and the guys did their thing in their little part of the world during the dinner portion of the evening. (Note to self: must get the recipe for the chicken noodle soup from Von's wife Dena.) It was great as always. We had many good laughs at the table Lisa and I sat with Lisa, Tracy, Alyssa, Kelly, Carrie and Rob mocking a certain individuals overly tight shirt among other things. So much love in my office. It's so great to work with people who are so great and have the kind of sense of humor that I have. Even Lisa seemed to fit in really well.
After dinner we had our White Elephant Yankee Swap game to bring everyone together. Great gifts this year... we had a few movies show up in the mix (Christmas with the Kranks, Shaun the Sheep: Off the Baa!) as well as a few games like Kerplunk and Battle of the Sexes and a lovely Hannah Montana gift set was found in the mix. The kids seem to be the bosses when it came to what the parents picked for gifts. At least we now know who is in charge in each household.
After the presents came the wonderful game of Pictionary! Let me tell you the stick figures were amazing. I think the best drawing by far however was Rob's when he had the word rock and was drawing big mountains thinking we would somehow get the word from that. My manager Mark sat in the middle of the kids near the front. If you knew his personality you would know why he fit in so well with the kids.
It was a lot of fun and everyone really enjoyed themselves. We'll call this one a success!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Jessie Alan Cline

April 8, 1979-Oct. 19, 2008
Jessie Alan Cline, 29, of Hermiston died Oct. 19, 2008, as the result of an automobile accident near Pendleton.
Viewing will be at 9 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 23, 2008, with his funeral to follow at 10 a.m. at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Hermiston Stake Center, 850 S.W. 11th St. Burial will follow at the Hermiston Cemetery.
Mr. Cline was born April 8, 1979, in Salt Lake City to Alan and Candace Thompsen Cline. He was raised and attended school in Salt Lake City, graduating from West Jordan High School in 1998. He then served on a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, first in Pittsburgh and then in Spokane. He moved to Hermiston in 2003 before moving to Riverton, Utah. He returned in 2007 to Hermiston, where lived since.
He was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, where he had been active with missionary and temple work. He enjoyed bowling, cartoons, video games and genealogy.
Survivors include his parents, Alan and Candy Cline of Hermiston; a brother, Michael Cline his wife, Megan, of Hermiston; a sister, Sabrina Cline of Sandy, Utah; a niece, Anessa Cline; grandparents, Fergus and Dolores Thompsen of Riverton, Utah; grandfather, Richard "Pat" Cline of Kearns, Utah; several aunts, uncles and cousins.
He was preceded in death by his grandmother, Peggy Cline.
Here is an article relating to my beloved brothers death.
For the funeral my uncle wrote something that fit Jessie quite well.
I was born April 8th, 1979. I was the cutest of the (3) children born to my parents. Some say I was simple, not complicated, I just accepted things as they should be. I always believed in the Gospel, my Father in Heaven and my Savior.
My parents are the finest the Lord could find; my brother and sister are truly my best friends. I love them dearly, they are everything to me. From them I have learned everything I need in this life. They have been my strength, my home and most of all my refuge.
At times, life has been hard for me. I've had struggles that were more than I could bear. When life seemed the darkest, I remember reaching out with my hand to the heavens and asking my Father in Heaven for strength, for answers, for comfort. I never doubted, it must have been part of that simple minded attitude everyone said I had. I knew He would answer, I knew it without doubt or fear. I was a child and He was my Savior. I knew He would hear me, I knew He would answer, He always did.
On October 19th about 12:19am, during my darkest moment of this life, I put all that my parents had taught me to the test. I stretched forth my hand to the heavens and simply said 'Father'. Immediately I felt is grip, His warmth and His gentle pull. I knew He would be there, I never doubted. My parents always told me He would be.
If I could share anything with those I love, it would be: You were right, He has always been at my side and when life was at its darkest, I felt his touch, His warmth and His gentle embrace.
Mom - Dad..... I am home.
Never in my life had I thought of just how much I would miss Jessie. I never even imagined him gone. I always thought he was going to be there everyday of my life. I thought he was going to be the best uncle in the world to any kids I would have in the future (assuming I ever get married). He was to be one of my best friends everyday, one I could turn to in times of trial with a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. The shoulder is gone now....but somehow I feel that the listening ear is still there and the comfort he gives will always be there for me. He was a wonderful example to all and I can only hope to have the amount of faith he had in the Lord and the unconditional love he exhibited to all.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Sabrina Fair by John Milton
Sweet Echo, sweetest Nymph that livst unseen
Within thy airy shell
By slow Meander's margent green,
And in the violet imbroider'd vale
Where the love-lorn Nightingale
Nightly to thee her sad Song mourneth well.
Canst thou not tell me of a gentle Pair
That likest thy Narcissus are?
O if thou have
Hid them in som flowry Cave,
Tell me but where
Sweet Queen of Parly, Daughter of the Sphear,
So maist thou be translated to the skies,
And give resounding grace to all Heavns Harmonies
Sabrina fair
Listen where thou art sitting
Under the glassie, cool, translucent wave,
In twisted braids of Lillies knitting
The loose train of thy amber-dropping hair,
Listen for dear honour's sake,
Goddess of the silver lake,
Listen and save.
Listen and appear to us
In name of great Oceanus,
By the earth-shaking Neptune's mace,
And Tethys grave majestick pace,
By hoary Nereus wrincled look,
And the Carpathian wisards hook,
By scaly Tritons winding shell,
And old sooth-saying Glaucus spell,
By Leucothea's lovely hands,
And her son that rules the strands,
By Thetis tinsel-slipper'd feet,
And the Songs of Sirens sweet,
By dead Parthenope's dear tomb,
And fair Ligea's golden comb,
Wherwith she sits on diamond rocks
Sleeking her soft alluring locks,
By all the Nymphs that nightly dance
Upon thy streams with wily glance,
Rise, rise, and heave thy rosie head
From thy coral-pav'n bed,
And bridle in thy headlong wave,
Till thou our summons answered have.
Listen and save.
Sabrina rises, attended by water-Nymphes, and sings.
By the rushy-fringed bank,
Where grows the Willow and the Osier dank,
My sliding Chariot stayes,
Thick set with Agat, and the azurn sheen
Of Turkis blew, and Emrauld green
That in the channell strayes,
Whilst from off the waters fleet
Thus I set my printless feet
O're the Cowslips Velvet head,
That bends not as I tread,
Gentle swain at thy request
I am here.